The Vanzant Brush Twitter Feed

Let's Go Shopping!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New Painting! - "Late Fall At The End of Brooks Ave"

Late Fall At The End of Brooks Ave, 9x12 Oil on Paper


Sunday, December 13, 2020

New Painting! "I Was Here"


Oil on Board Titled "I Was Here"

New Painting! "Pink Scarf"

Hope everyone out there is creating as best they can during this difficult time. Stay safe!


Oil on Linen titled "Pink Scarf"


  Think Creatively!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Sketch - Big Blue Liriope

Years ago my Auntie Vonnie brought me a cutting from my grandparents house in Alabama. It was 5 leaves and she told me all I had to do is plant it and nature would do the rest, that it would spread all on its own. Well my aunt was right. Years later, this Big Blue Liiope is an entire border in the back of my house and I've never done one thing to it. I know now this plant isn't particularly unique and I see them a lot but none of them were originally planted by my grandmom. Here is my sketch of my favorite purple flowers. 

Think Creatively!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Epoxy Flowers Table

People are so darned talented. Enjoy!

Think Creatively!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Painting "Disappearing"

"Disappearing" oil sketch on board

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New painting titled "Karen"

"Karen" oil on board

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

New Painting - "Pretty Pipes"

"Pretty Pipes" oil on linen boar

Stay Safe and Think Creatively!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sketch Exercise - Hiroshige

Hello everyone!

Sharing  a little sketch copy I did of a Japanese print titled "Plum Garden In Kameicho" by Utagawa Hiroshige. (Mine of course is on the left). You can learn more about Hiroshige here.

Think Creatively!

Monday, April 27, 2020

New Painting - "Foggy Day Dogwoods"

"Foggy Day Dogwoods" - Oil on Board

Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID 19 Message

Not all of us will come out the other side unscathed. Some will take this moment and spend much needed time with our families and some of us will rage on Twitter about the wrongness of people, life and all of that stuff in between. Some businesses will thrive and use this teachable moment to create new businesses from necessity and some will crumble under the stress of an unexpected enemy. Some restaurants will stop cooking and close its doors and some will expand and start delivering. Some of us will eat box food for weeks and some of us will try new recipes on the poor unsuspecting people sharing our close quarters. Some people will treat our fellow man kindly and some will take advantage of the weak and the helpless. Some hospitals will become famous for innovative efforts to save lives and other hospitals will also become famous for innovative efforts to save lives because that is what hospitals always do. Separated from families and receiving daily doses of death will make grief abundant. Some of us will be thankful for our circumstances, praying that our luck (and money) will at least last for a few months and some of us are already terrified that the money will run out much too soon. Some of us will buckle, some of us will thrive. Many of us will survive. Some of us will not.

Who do YOU want to be when this is over?

Click Here and Here for updated CoronaVirus information.

I Wish You Well. Be Safe and Think Creatively!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Practice and Science Of Drawing, by Harold Speed


I found this link to a free e-book copy of The Practice and Science Of Drawing by Harold Speed


Think Creatively!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

New Painting!

                        2019 Self-portrait in oils.

Lily - "The Icon Prize" Finalist

A huge thank you to Lane Von Herzen, author of "The Unfastened Heart" and the Icon Prize committee for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful project.

Creation of still life "The Two No One Wanted"