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Friday, July 13, 2012

Rubens and African American Skin Tones

Hello! I found this interesting video on YouTtube by documentary maker IDTV Docs. Very interesting video about Rubens and his painting of an African American man. I am having a problem creating links tonight so I will cut and past the bio of this filmaker directly into the blog (see below) and of course, you can always follow the link from the video itself. Please enjoy and pay a visit to this interesting site. Best Regards, Monica
IDTV Docs develops and produces documentaries, auteur films, commissioned films, art films and TV series with a widely varying look and feel to them. Socially engaged and quality-oriented, the makers cover a very wide range of socially relevant and cultural subjects. The productions are made for regional and national broadcasters; local and central government; non-profit organizations, arts and cultural funds; as well as companies. IDTV Docs has built up an impressive track record, including many productions that have received national and international awards.

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Lily - "The Icon Prize" Finalist

A huge thank you to Lane Von Herzen, author of "The Unfastened Heart" and the Icon Prize committee for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful project.

Creation of still life "The Two No One Wanted"